
Sleep hygiene

Quality sleep has an impact on our physical, mental and emotional health, and brings many benefits: production or maintenance of muscle mass, increased ability of the immune system to fight infections, enhanced concentration, learning and memory and improved mood. It is important to consider several factors to promote proper sleep hygiene, better quality of life and better psychological and cognitive functioning. Thus, during the hours of rest it is necessary to:
  1. Limit the use of your bed to sleep. It is recommended to watch TV, read, and use a tablet or mobile phone in other places of the home.
  2. Use a comfortable mattress and pillows to find the most comfortable position.
  3. Maintain the room in good environmental conditions: cool temperature between 17C and 19C, isolated from noise and in the dark to maintain a correct sleep-wake cycle.
  4. Use soft lights, for example amber or red, instead of turning on the main light, if you wake during the night.
Recommendations for better sleep:
  1. Establish a regular bedtime and wake-up time. On free days, as far as possible, it is best to follow a similar schedule to working days.
  2. Regular exercise helps you sleep better, but should not be done less than 3 hours before bedtime.
  3. Avoid consuming stimulants (coffee, tea, chocolate and tobacco) and alcohol, especially during the evening/night.
  4. Switch off from the stresses of the day before dinner and at least two hours before bedtime.
  5. After dinner, establish a series of relaxing activities before going to bed (bath, soft music, reading, always with very soft lighting ...) and make them part of your everyday routine.