
A new BBHI study aims to validate a method for collecting health and behavioral data using digital devices

The Barcelona Brain Health Initiative is starting a new study with the aim of defining, developing and validating a digital phenotyping model, which is a method for collecting detailed information about a person's health status and behavior using data from digital devices such as smartphones and monitoring devices (e.g. monitoring bracelets or smartwatches). The ultimate goal of the project, which is being carried out in collaboration with the Polytechnic University of Madrid, is to help better understand how lifestyle habits and behavioral changes affect brain health.

The research team will select, based on a series of scientific criteria, a cohort of 100 people from among all BBHI participants. Using a digital device, their physiological (heart rate, duration and quality of sleep, blood oxygen level...) and behavioral data will be collected for 8 weeks. Data collected through the BBHI online questionnaires will also be used to provide information on the evolution of lifestyle habits and psychological factors over time.

Three key variables

The project aims to analyze three key variables: interception, emotional regulation and stress. For interoception, interoceptive accuracy, which is the ability to hear body signals (such as the heartbeat); interoceptive sensitivity, which is the subjective perception of these signals; and interoceptive awareness, which represents the congruence between the two, will be measured. In addition, neurophysiological measurements will be performed by means of an electroencephalogram and an electrocardiogram.

Emotional regulation will be assessed by means of specific questionnaires and some daily questions on the use of emotional regulation strategies. Finally, stress perception will be measured by means of a questionnaire and other daily questions.